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So far, 15 children have died of heatstroke after being left alone in cars, this summer. More than 500 have died since 1998, and 73 percent of those cases were babies under the age of 2.
Red Castle Productions has created a PSA to prevent more tragedies. In the powerful video above, actors reenact what could happen if a child is left in a car for a short time -- it can take as little as 15 minutes to suffer life-threatening injuries. The video also shows what to do if you ever notice a child alone in a car.
It's worth noting that the numbers above include kids who were left in cars by accident, and as Lisa Belkin recently reminded readers: "The parents who accidentally leave their children to die could be any of us." That's why Kids and Cars, an organization which aims to educate parents on the topic offers this acronym:
Back seat: Put something in the back seat whenever you strap a child in, so you have to open the back door, or at least turn around to find that item, when you get out of the car. Your handbag or briefcase, cellphone or employee badge.Every child should be correctly restrained in the back seat.
Stuffed animal: Keep a brightly colored one in the car seat when your child isn’t there. Then move it from the car seat to the front seat after you strap your child in, to remind you when your baby is in the back seat.
Ask your baby sitter or child-care provider to call you within 10 minutes if your child hasn't arrived on time.
Focus on driving: Avoid cellphone calls and text-messaging while driving.
Every time you park your vehicle -- every single time -- open the back door to make sure no one has been left behind.
(hat tip Viral Viral Video)
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