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A pricetag of nearly $24 million was not enough to stop Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) from calling a special election on Tuesday to fill the seat of deceased Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D).
Nearly one month ago, Christie held different feelings on similar taxpayer costs related to early voting.
Back on May 10, the Philadelphia Inquirer relayed how Christie vetoed a bill extending the pre-Election-Day window, citing concerns that it would be too costly. According to the Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger, the measure would have added two weeks of extra voting at up to seven spots within each of the state's counties.
"Taxpayers should not have to foot a more than $25 million bill to pay for a hasty, counterproductive, and less reliable system, especially when New Jersey's current early voting process is reliable and cost-effective," Christie said.
On Tuesday, costs appeared to be less of a concern. Christie stressed that the holding a primary and general election to fill Lautenberg's seat was far from counterproductive.
“This is about guaranteeing the people of New Jersey a choice and a voice in Washington," Christie said.
When it came to the early-voting bill, cost appeared to have won out. The Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger questioned Christie's choice, penning an editorial that said "what's not to like?" about the measure, while also calling the governor's answer below "a bit vague."
"I support responsible and cost-efficient election reform that increases voter participation because democracy works best when the most people vote," Christie said in his veto message.
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