mardi 30 juillet 2013

Mackenzie Lawrence: Lost in Translation: What I Say vs. What They Hear

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I need a translator. Even though my kids and I speak the same language, apparently, we don't speak the same language.

What I say: "Let's go, please, we're running late."
What they hear: "We have all the time in the world. Yes, you can watch six more shows. And please, definitely take an hour to pick out your clothes. While you're at it, don't forget to dump your milk on the table, ask for three more breakfasts and tell me you have to poop as I'm opening the front door to leave. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there."

What I say: "It's time to clean up."
What they hear: "It's time to play and make an even bigger mess around here. Don't worry, I'll clean it all up later when you suddenly develop a sick tummy and a leg that feels like it's going to fall off. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "Please be quiet for two minutes while I'm on the phone."
What they hear: "Please scream at each other in voices that should only be used if you're being chased by a bear, and use this time to ask me 101 questions about why we have fingernails. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "What would you like for lunch?"
What they hear: "Please tell me everything in the entire world that you do not like to eat, and make sure that you include everything that we actually have in the house and that you liked yesterday on that list. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "We're going to the store to pick up a few things for dinner."
What they hear: "We're going to the store so you can run around like crazy people and beg me to buy you everything you see because even though we just had lunch I know how incredibly starving you are, so a donut sounds like a great idea. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "Oh you look so cute, please hold still so I can get a picture."
What they hear: "Immediately stop that cute thing you're doing and make the most horrendous faces you can think of while wiggling and jumping around and looking everywhere but at the camera. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "The baby is sleeping, it's quiet time."
What they hear: "It's time to get out all of the toys that make noise. And be sure to drop everything imaginable on the hardwood floors and slam all of the doors in the house. And yes, now is the perfect time to pretend you're in a rock band. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "I'll be right back, I need to go to the bathroom."
What they hear: "Grab your food and all of your toys and come with me. I love having company in the bathroom. The more the merrier. Please also take this opportunity to ask me how it is you came out down there and unroll the entire roll of toilet paper. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "Quickly, please go get me a burp cloth from the closet."
What they hear: "Please walk around the house at a snail's pace looking in every possible closet but the one where we keep the burp cloths and then get distracted by a shiny object and never bring me anything because I like it when spit up seeps into the carpet and dries on my clothes. It makes for a nice aroma. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "Please play nicely."
What they hear: "Yes, you two are mortal enemies and should treat each other as such. Everything in the house actually belongs to just you and no one else, so I completely understand why you're screaming bloody murder and acting like that toy you haven't played with in fou months is your most prized possession. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "Let's try to keep those new clothes clean."
What they hear: "New clothes make the best play clothes. Yes, you should absolutely go paint me a picture and then go outside to search for worms in the mud. And if you can manage to get some ketchup and chocolate on them, that'd be just swell. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

What I say: "Goodnight, sleep tight."
What they hear: "It's party time! After you throw all of your stuffed animals off your bed to make room for all of your jumping, please make sure you get out of bed no less than five times each to come and tell me that you are hot. Or cold. Or hungry. Or thirsty. Or have to go to the bathroom. Or that you hear a witch outside. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and throw an epic tantrum in there?"

This post was originally published on Mackenzie's blog Raising Wild Things. You can also find Mackenzie on Facebook and Twitter.

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Get Alerts I need a translator. Even though my kids and I speak the same language, apparently, we don't speak the same language. What I say: "Let's go, please, we're running late." What they hear: "We have all ... I need a translator. Even though my kids and I speak the same language, apparently, we don't speak the same language. What I say: "Let's go, please, we're running late." What they hear: "We have all ...

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