lundi 2 septembre 2013

Rev. Jesse Jackson: Paula Deen Can 'redeem'

CHICAGO - the Rev. Jesse Jackson civil rights leader says that he has decided to help celebrity chef Paula Deen to try to amend its past use of a racial insult, saying that she should not turn into a "sacrificial lamb" on the issue of racial intolerance.

Jackson told The Associated Press Wednesday Deen called him this week, and discussed how she could recover.

Jackson said if Deen is willing to acknowledge mistakes and make changes, "she must be claimed rather than destroyed."

Jackson says he is more concerned about racial disparities in jobs, credit, health, business opportunities and the criminal justice system.

His admission of the use of Ligature for the first time in a deposition of demand. It later cost him an agreement of sponsorship with Smithfield Foods and its work with the power supply.

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