A new study by the Michigan State University has discovered a terrible truth about the American workplace: looks do matter.
The researchers found that employees who are considered unappealing are more likely to be despised and harassed at work. While a lot of research has found that attractive students tend to be more popular in school, the study is the first to link the level of attraction to cruelty in the Office.
"Although we like to think that we are professional and mature in the workplace, can be just as high School in many ways," said Brent Scott, one of the researchers of the study lead.
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As part of the study, 114 workers surveyed researchers in a center of health in the United States Southeast over the frequency with their coworkers to cruel behavior towards them, which included saying hurtful things, acting rudely and mocking them. In addition, the researchers had people who do not know the participants of the survey to judge its attractions of digital photos.
They found that unattractive workers treated much more harshly that attractive employees even when other key factors were taken into account, such as age, gender and how long had worked in the health care facility.
The researchers also collect information upon how pleasant or environment of the workers were based on questionnaires completed by their spouses, partners or friends. The results show that unpleasant workers, as unappealing employees, were treated more harshly than their coworkers.
"Our results revealed that personality and appearance matter," said Scott.
Based on the study, managers should have a better idea that employees are potential targets for preventing such behaviour, or be able to provide advice and social support if they fail attempts at prevention, said Scott.
The results of the study have recently published in the journal of Human Performance research.
Chad Brooks of follow on Twitter @cbrooks76 or elEconomista.es @BNDarticles. We are also on Facebook & Google +. This story was originally published in elEconomista.es.
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