On Friday, embattled Food Network Star Paula Deen issued a release video addressing his past use of racist, who during the night, it became a national scandal.
In the clip, Deen appears visibly upset and at times close to tears. "I beg your pardon... Please forgive me for the mistakes I've made," said.
The apology, which seems to they have been filmed in several intakes, comes the same day an appearance cancelled in the program "Hoy", where it was expected to deal with accusations of racism against her.
Update 6/21 15:50: The video has deprived, but Eater has a copy of the clip 46 seconds.
Update 6/21 16:02: TMZ has released an embeddable version of the full video. Do see above.
Update 6/21 16:20: There has been a second apology video. "I want people understand that my family and I are not the kind of people that the press is wanting to say that we are", says. "This comes from the deepest part of my heart." See the video below.
Update 6/21 16:51:And now a third apology video...
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