lundi 19 août 2013

Aitken train: 'Station' is a great big Artsy (photos) road trip

Doug Aitken goes on a journey by road from New York to San Francisco, and who is performing in some of the best contemporary artists and musicians with him. Very jealous?

Station to station: a nomadic art happening

Piece of public art ambitious Aitken, entitled "station to station: nomads passing," the artist will travel cross-country via train, making ten stops along the way.

Each stop will contain an art site-specific happening, art drawing often too separate, music, culinary, literary and film worlds. Art of Aitken train rolling deep with creative participants such as Kenneth Anger, Urs Fischer, Carsten Höller, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Ariel Pink, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Dan Deacon, Dave Hickey, Alice Waters and many, many more.

Station to station: a nomadic art happening

While this project may seem larger summer mobile party, Aitken commentary makes the piece looks more as a multi-disciplinary, contemporary outlet in the speciality of Gauguin, "where come us from? What are we? Where we going?"

In a press release from the exhibition Aitken whips some questions equally large, including: who are we? Where are we going? And, at this time, how can we express ourselves?" Adding, "our intention is to create a modern cultural manifesto."

The tour will start this month of September; more details about the entries and collaborators will be released throughout the summer. Check the web site of the "station" to learn more. For a look at the previous work of Aitken, see images of his exhibition "Mirror" at the Seattle Art Museum down.

Presentation of the load...

"Mirror", 2013 (rendering) © Doug Aitken Workshop

"Mirror", 2013 (rendering) © Doug Aitken Workshop

"Mirror", 2013 (rendering) © Doug Aitken Workshop

"Mirror", 2013 (rendering) © Doug Aitken Workshop

"Mirror", 2013 (rendering) © Doug Aitken Workshop

"Mirror", 2013 (rendering) © Doug Aitken Workshop

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